Since our last update we have learnt so much about following God’s voice. From following His direction during treasure hunts to hearing Him during different divine appointments. From hearing where we are to go during our time in Thailand to hearing His voice about where we are to settle for the long term and establish roots in S.E Asia. After an incredible Cambodia trip (see previous update) we returned to Thailand to see a close friend and Spiritual mentor from our home city in the UK who happened to be in the country leading a youth trip. It was perfect timing and a gift from God to see her and spend time together. Afterwards went on to the North of Thailand with a couple of close friends (and fellow Harvest School graduates) to check out some ministries who were working with rescuing young people from the sex trade. We stayed with a good friend who runs Deeper Still Ministries, who does fantastic work discipling and equipping local Thai people and other missionaries. The first group we saw was called Ezekiel Rain and we were so inspired to hear and their incredible wisdom and learn from them. We were able to pray for their team (including their Thai staff) and prophecy over them and bless them. They are a ministry which really seemed to reflect similar values to our heart in what they wanted to achieve in rescuing and rehabilitating children from the sex industry. Then we met an incredible Christian group called Destiny Rescue who were well established in areas across Thailand (and some other countries) and were positively impacting the lives of hundreds of young people who have been rescued from the sex industry. They had training programs a school, vocational training and were looking to expand to accommodate even more young people. It was great to see what God had done and was doing in their lives and the provision God had given for them to continue to grow. Both visits were another incredible example of the Body of Christ (the church) impacting- rescuing and changing the lives of people who’s freedom had previously been stolen. At the end of our Cambodia trip before the team went their separate ways each of us got prayed for and prophesied over. While I (Steve) was being prayed for I kept getting words about spending a season seeking God, spending considerable amount of time soaking in His word and seeking Him and His Heart. So over the last few weeks we have been trying to do this. I also felt the Spirit urging us to return to Phuket (where we had gone in January after our first missions trip) and to link again with some of the believers we had previously formed relationships with there. So after our time in Chiang Rai in the North we booked a ticket down to the South of Thailand. As soon as we were there God seemed to confirm we were in the right place in numerous ways it was great to again just follow God’s voice even though we didn’t know what was around the corner. Mollie had a real heart for us to get together with the others and worship in Patong (the darkest town in Phuket with the most prostitution and brokeness). God had already given our friends the exact same heart to worship and release his presence into the same area so we all met up to do so a few nights later. It was a strange night, just before we were about to start the clouds started pouring down with heavy torrential rain. We sought shelter in an area next to a public park and it was a very strange atmosphere. We had chanting (and praying) buddhist monks across the field from us and electrical transformers blowing up like loud fireworks making huge blasts of sound and light because of the torrential rain. Also during the worship we had regular power blackouts and confused locals coming over to us and asking questions about what we were doing. It was a strange time but at the same time it felt really significant and the worship was incredible. While singing about the love of God, and the blood of Jesus it felt like something special was being released into the atmosphere. The next night we returned again to Patong and with some of the resident believers who were really hungry to grow in boldness of faith so we took them out on a treasure-hunt. For our friends it was their first time but they were so excited to try it (if you dont know what a treasure hunt is check out this webpage for a simple explaination). It was so exciting, great fun, faith increasing and really encouraging. We met at least 3 of the treasures God wanted us to speak to that night got to share the gospel with them, bless them and with some of them pray with them. Again it was an example of simply hearing God and learning to pick up cues from Him that previously I would have ignored or not noticed. He is so good, not only to speak to us but to also teach us how to hear Him. In the last few weeks I have had more divine appointments from God than in my whole life previously. Whether it has been in a local Northern Thai restaurant where we have been eating food, or someone I have sat next to on a plane, whether it has been speaking to someone on a ferry and I even met someone in the departure lounge of Singapore Airport. God has lined up so many opportunities for me to speak to people and tell them His love for them through Jesus. This is really weird for me and a completely new thing that God has been teaching me and I have learnt so much in stepping out and acting on the impression, word or feeling that God has given me at the time and hopefully planted seeds in people’s hearts that won’t get stolen away in future. This reflects the season we feel like we are in at the moment. A season of God equipping us and teaching us how to grow in and use our individual giftings for the things that He has ahead for us. Following God’s voice is fun and equipping, It’s not without its surprises though! When we left for S.E Asia at the beginning of March we were on a one-way ticket and aiming to stay in S.E Asia for the long term to set down roots and start learning a language. Things have turned out differently with Mollie getting an overwhelming feeling that she should return home to attend her best friend’s wedding and then God confirming that we should go and do so. It was a great bonus because It meant I got to attend another friends wedding as well! We have been back in the UK since Friday 11th May and we aim to stay until mid June when we finally do return to S.E Asia for the long term. More updates to come on exactly what we plan to do and where that will be are coming very soon (I didn’t want this update to be too long!). One thing we do know, that as long as we listen to the Lord’s voice and follow His plans it will come together well! (Mathew 4:4 Jesus A answered 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.').
August 2024