![]() The last few weeks have been incredible. Not only have we recently celebrated a year since moving to Cambodia but we have also witnessed God do some incredible things, including powerful healings and many salvations. God has also graciously made clear to us the next steps for our time here in Cambodia. A few months ago the directors of Iris Cambodia came out and stayed with the team. We had some great meetings and were really blessed. Jason Holbeche one of our directors shared a quote about the Kingdom of God that really impacted me: “Most of what you need will come to you; most of what you want you’ll have to go get.” ![]() God has put so many things in my heart that I desire to see and walk in. I want to be used as a vessel for Jesus to heal people and see lives changed and I want to experience Heaven on earth and God’s Kingdom increasing in this place. I felt like God was encouraging me to go after these things more. Over June we were hugely blessed to have Mollie’s parent’s come and stay with us and have a break with them in Malaysia. It was an awesome time of refreshing and rest and they blessed us so much. During this holiday I was in a private prayer time asking for more of God and his Kingdom outworking in my life. He told me that after Mollie’s parents returned home I was to fast for a week. I was hungry for more so I did. I had no idea what would be to come in the weeks ahead. ![]() This fast was actually a really special time with God revealing incredible things to me. The sixth day of the fast marked exactly a year since we arrived in Cambodia. On the seventh and final day of the fast I was on my way to the riverfront to meet our team to do street kids ministry and I saw my first ever rainbow in Cambodia. it was there the whole time I was driving to the riverfront. God spoke to my spirit clearly during this time that his promises still stand and that I need to focus on and remember these promises. It’s through these promises we attain the goal: “...have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature...” - 2 Peter 1:4. ![]() After seeing this I felt filled with faith. That same afternoon I was walking down the street with my Khmer friend and God highlighted someone for me to stop for and chat to. We got to sit with him and share the gospel with him. He had never heard of Jesus before but remembered that people from a church had helped him in the past. He received the good news about Jesus and decided to give his life to him. While he prayed and committed his life to Jesus the evening sky had one of the most beautiful sunsets I have seen in Cambodia and I just knew Father God was showing off, celebrating this man’s salvation and welcoming Him into the Kingdom. ![]() The week after things got even better. Previously we had been asked to help lead on an XP Missions Outreach School which is a two week missions outreach school hosted by Extreme Prophetic (XP). As one of XP’s partner ministries we were privileged to come along side and help them with the school. It was an incredible 2 weeks of ministry and encounter with Jesus. Every day was packed full of ministry opportunities in areas all over Phnom Penh. From some of the poorest slums, to the city’s hospitals, to children’s ministry, to even ministering on the city’s streets. God moved in so many people’s lives and we got to see many salvations and healings. ![]() One of my favorite evenings of the school was when we went to a popular area of the city where most people go and hang out in the evening called the river front. We set up a team here with three different signs written in Khmer and English saying, “receive your healing”, “dream interpretations” or “receive destiny words”. People came flocking up and Jesus moved powerfully. One man who was mute and couldn’t speak was healed and spoke for the first time. His first words ever were “Preah Yesu (Jesus)” and as he said them he lent on the guys in our team who prayed for him and wept for joy. He then spoke more and more and by the end of the night was singing songs in Khmer. ![]() Another lady who was there with her sister couldn’t hear for 3 years our team prayed for her and Jesus opened her ears! Her and her sister both got healed and both gave their lives to Jesus. People were receiving words about their lives that only God could have known and were giving their lives to Jesus and some of the street kids who we had been working every week for the last six months were witnessing this and so amazed that they were deciding to give their lives to Jesus too. God had divinely placed them to be there at the right place at the right time so they could see for themselves the reality of the Love of Jesus in action. ![]() One of these teenage boys had been one of our most difficult cases we have had so much trouble with in the past. He used to beat up the younger boys and girls even while we were holding them in our arms trying to protect them. He was always so angry and we could tell he had been deeply wounded by something that had happened to him. Well God set it up so he was a witness to a miracle that happened the week previously when some of the girls from the team had prayed for a guy in a wheelchair and he was healed and walked. The boy witnessed it all (and actually translated for the girls) and that night on the riverfront he saw the other things that Jesus was doing powerfully in people’s lives and decided to receive Jesus into his heart. Immediately his countenance changed and he seemed to no longer be the angry and troublesome boy we once knew Him to be. Jesus gets all the glory, only He can orchestrate such an incredible turnaround and place people in the right place at the right time. ![]() The rest of the school was equally great, we got to go and serve and wash the feet of a whole slum village, demonstrating our King Jesus in a new way to them. People there got healed and some received Jesus as their Lord and saviour. There is so much more to write about that I don’t even have room. So many people were saved, healed and encountered their loving God for the first time. God graciously blessed us with an incredible time of encountering Him in a greater measure, seeing Him move powerfully and change lives. Just the things He has given me the hunger to experience more of in my own life. As the school ends and we get back to normal daily routine we know things will look different but I will remember to keep expectant to keep trusting in His promises and hungering for more. He always has so much more to give. This special time has reminded me that the fields are ripe for the harvest in this country. ![]() As we look ahead to what is next God has given us further clarity to where we will be serving with Iris Cambodia in the future. He told us both in separate ways that He wants us to move down to Sihanoukville (which is a town on the coast of Cambodia) to join the team aiming to set up an Iris Cambodia base down there. We plan to move there this coming October, so we can finish well with the projects we are working on up here in Phnom Penh. On the day that marked exactly a year since we moved to Cambodia our director Jason called me and asked if I would help to co-lead the Iris Cambodia base in S’ville with Joel (another member of our team). This is a big responsibility and a big challenge as we pioneer and start things up from scratch in a new place, but God gave me a peace that it was right and that it was what God has been preparing us for during our time here in Phnom Penh. ![]() As we look ahead to the next few months we also look back with great thankfulness. Not forgetting we have a God who is faithful, who fulfils His promises, who can change lives in an instant with his love and who gives us clarity in the paths he intends us to walk along in the future. Not forgetting his promises, never forgetting His promises. He and He alone has made our first year in Cambodia so special and it is Him who we look forward to knowing more closely the coming year as we continue to follow His steps in this exciting journey. What an amazing and awesome and God we serve. To Him be all the glory.
August 2024