8/22/2024 2 Comments Ongoing miracles...Highlights:
Each photo (or video) below has a short caption explaining some of these highlights. Prayer points can be found at the bottom, thank you so much for your ongoing love, support and encouragement! This is a video the bethel team of ministry students made about their visit to Cambodia at the end of March. The school gave them a strict two minute time limit so they couldn't fit everything in but Jesus did so much during this special time that it would be hard to write about everything that happened! Here are some pictures from our outreach to the province with the bethel team. Many were healed touched and many became new believers. Including this beautiful eighty six year old grandma and daughter together in the picture above after we visited their home and shared the gospel with them. Our discipleship groups across the city are continuing to grow and it is so encouraging to keep hearing new testimonies of how Jesus is impacting people's lives and bringing new freedom and life. In April we were out as a family at the shopping in the mall and I felt led to stop and talk to this young man who was on crutches. He was thankful I stopped and had time for him, he said he had recently been in a motorbike accident and had many surgeries in his two legs and arms. He said almost everyone he knew had deserted him and he had been suicidal. Benjy and I prayed for him and told him about Jesus. We met again a few days later and he said after our prayer his body felt so much better and now he only needed one crutch to get by. After that moment he knew Jesus was real and that Jesus loved him and our friend decided to pray with me to accept Jesus into his heart. In May Mollie and the Red light Outreach team visited Bangkok to join and learn from a ministry called Nightlight that has been doing anti-trafficking/red light district outreach for over nineteen years. It was such an encouraging trip and they all came back to Phnom Penh re-energised and filled with hope for whats ahead here in Phnom Penh! In June we set off for some vital rest time in beautiful England. It was a huge gift to spend some time with family and dear friends who have been such a huge encouragement to us. We also got to have a special anniversary trip away together to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary (our first trip without any kids with us in 9 years!) The Lord is a Good Shepherd and he knows how to restore our souls! We have come back encouraged and excited for the season ahead. When we got back to Cambodia we moved house we are feeling more settled in now and are loving the new place. The kids are also back in school and Abbie started pre school a few days a week. We are so thankful to be back! Here is a testimony from Mollie about a very recent outreach to the red light area. "Before going out that night I had word of knowledge of deep pain in tooth/jaw (my was very painful for a few seconds ) and Ponleu saw picture of the face of someone we know and someone else on our team saw laughter. So we went and sat with the lady whose face Ponleu got a picture of, and 2 older ladies (both in their 40’s). Two of these ladies had tooth ache and both were healed when we prayed much to their amazement which led to laughter! Then one of them opened up about her heart problem and also the loss of her husband a few years ago in moto accident so prayed for her. She had previously been going to church and had been a believer but the loss of her husband had really shaken her. God is going after his lost sheep! Please pray for them all." More from Mollie: God has given me a heart to see women empowered to be able to leave the bars with other great business opportunities. Often these girls have little or no education and so creating business they can thrive in is important. About a year ago God told me he was giving me creative business ideas and I had this random idea of crepe/pancake food carts. This week my friend from BSSM Emily came to visit us here in Phnom Penh and managed to somehow raise the full funds for the 1st cart ! I then went into the shop on my road and I saw a crepe making machine which I have never seen before here. This in addition to many other little signs seems to confirm this is what God wants - so watch this space as hoping to start with my first cart (similar to the one in this picture) soon. I am also developing a range of candles with my sister in law also to help bring funds/jobs for vulnerable women and girls here. We are excited to be hosting our first ever Iris Harvest school of Missions in Phnom Penh at the end of September. The school is 8 weeks long and we have students coming from India, Japan, China, America and Cambodia! We are honoured to be hosting some special guest speakers from abroad too. Please pray for us as we host our first ever Iris Harvest School in Cambodia!
Prayer points:
Thank you so much for your constant love, encouragement and support, we couldn't do any of this without you all. Much love in Jesus, Steve, Mollie, Grace, Benjy and Abbie
2/17/2024 1 Comment The Lord who Heals youThank you so much for partnering with God's work in Cambodia and journeying alongside us! Lots has been happening so we have decided to use photos with a short caption below each one. There are also some prayer requests written below. Thank you so much for journeying with us! ![]() After Malaysia I (Steve) felt led by the Lord to pray for healing over my food intolerances. For 2 years I had been unable to eat anything with even a small amount of wheat or milk in it. If I did, I was sick for two days afterwards. In Cambodia because nothing is labelled I was getting sick regularly. After praying for about an hour and a half one morning and taking authority over the sickness (because of the authority in Jesus' victory on the Cross) I felt something leave my body. Then I felt the Lord say "you are healed". That morning I told the kids I was healed and they were so excited! They said "lets eat something together" so I ate cereal with milk with the kids that morning and had no after effects. This is picture is from the same day I was healed. We went out for lunch to celebrate (I couldn't eat any these foods before)! Since November I have been able to fully eat a normal diet again!!! ![]() Mollie, Jillian and the team also had the honor and privilege of hosting a dinner for 13 precious girls who are working in the Red light area. The girls were invited to 'Come to the Table' - to have a seat at the banquet table with King Jesus. Our team arranged for 13 ladies to be able to leave the bar for the evening. We decorated our prayer room for Christmas and set a beautiful banquet table for dinner. There was dancing, singing, crying, laughing, eating and deeper friendships built. The gospel was shared, one girl was healed, and God moved in many hearts in ways that only He can. Such a dream come true for our red light outreach team. We recently moved into a brand new building in the new community with 2000+ unreached families in it. Iris global put a video about it on the website called donor see. If you are interested you can watch it by clicking here. ![]() Our team recently partnered with some other NGO's and agencies to have a dangerous paedophile arrested and deported (he had abused children in different regions multiple times before). He was grooming some of the kids in one of our communities and because of our team's testimony and relationship with the girls the authorities were able to move quickly and intervene protecting the at risk children. We pray for this man too. That he would put His trust in the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ and His Lordship, before it is too late for him. We so appreciate your ongoing support and faithfulness in standing alongside us as we serve Jesus together here in Cambodia and SE Asia. Every prayer, every gift, every word of encouragement makes such a difference to us and our team out here and has an impact in this nation.
We have a list of current prayer requests below for our family and team;
Much love in Jesus, Steve, Mollie, Grace, Benjamin and Abigail 10/30/2023 8 Comments Increase and GrowthWe have now been back in Phnom Penh for 15 months! It has been a wild and beautiful journey of adjusting to life here as a family. Cambodia is a beautiful nation with the most kind and hospitable people and truly over this last year we have fallen back in love with the people here. Our language abilities are slowly coming back and the kids are learning a new way of life. It has been such an honor to co-lead our team here ; which is now consisting of 26 people ; including 12 missionaries ! The people we get to work with are some of the most kind and inspiring people I have ever met. Iris Phnom Penh has historically been an anti-trafficking organization. We have a team of full time Cambodian social workers whose aim is to keep children and families safe and helping them in very practical ways. We want to prevent but also intervene in any trafficking cases that come to light in our communities. We serve in several at-risk and impoverished communities where we run kids clubs and do regular outreaches, building relationship with those in need. Our child sponsorship program enables us to support families in need and make sure each child can attend school. Love looks like something and so for every baby milk, family food package we give out it opens the door for people to know they are loved and that God sees them and cares for them. We wholeheartedly believe community transformation won’t happen without people knowing Jesus, and knowing who they are in Him. This only comes from regular exposure to the truth and constant relationship with His body (the Church). So recently we have being putting an even greater emphasis on discipleship. We have a discipleship groups in all our communities which are growing and people are encountering Gods love and power ! Our family is doing well, the kids have so many friends here and are finding things that they love to do. Both kids have been playing football/soccer and enjoying it (despite it being very hot). Abigail is learning Khmer faster than I (Mollie) am at the moment and its very sweet to see her greet people in the traditional Khmer way! There have been some regular challenges with Steve’s health with some food intolerances here but the kids are always quick to pray and we are seeing God move powerfully through their prayers! The Well that never runs dry ....It has been such a joy to see Gods promises spoken to our team over a decade ago coming to fruition in “The Well” the prayer room in the red-light area. We have had many powerful times of prayer and worship both as a team and wider with other Christians from different organizations ; declaring Gods redeeming powerful love over the centre of the red-light district. We now have a full time team based in the red-light area and weekly outreaches into the bars. Last week we started our first discipleship group for these women and it was so beautiful. Our dream is one day to see a church established here but for now we praise God for this group! We are also seeing increased fruit from our kid's club in this same area and some of our kids have asked to receive Jesus which is impacting their whole families. It's beautiful to see how whole families are now listening together to the audio bibles that we have given them. We are continually astounded at Jesus' constant faithfulness and goodness over here, even in spite of ourselves and our own imperfections, He is more than capable! He alone deserves the glory! So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." 1 Corinthians 3:7 We also give God praise and thanks for yourselves and your co-labouring in loving and serving His beautiful people here. Every prayer, every encouragement and every financial seed sown in makes a huge difference. We dearly appreciate you all and thank God for you!
Much love in Jesus from us all here!
August 2024