5/31/2023 5 Comments New things springing forthAt the beginning of the year our team strongly felt these verses from Isaiah 43 highlighted to us. So far they have been very accurate! There are some exciting new things springing forth! We have decided to use photos with a short caption below each one (rather than writing a long wordy post). There are also some prayer requests written below. Thank you for journeying with us! "Do not remember the former things, ![]() The whole week they joined our regular programmes and outreaches then afterwards we went on a special outreach to the province (Cambodian countryside). We did some house visits to pray for and share the gospel with people on the first afternoon. Below is a video about one of the many miracles that happened during that outreach. (Including a connection that goes back over 10 years!) ![]() In hospital for more tests. Steve was unwell for most of April and we couldn't figure out what it was. We had tests for Dengue and Typhoid come back negative but then Holy Spirit told Steve in a dream what it was (it turns out he had Legionnaires' disease). We were then able to get the right antibiotics course and Steve eventually made a full recovery. God is so faithful! ![]() We have had prophetic words about this area of the city for over 10 years and recently we felt the Lord saying that the time is now! We recently hosted a prayer and worship evening with friends from other organisations and all came to worship Jesus together and pray for this area. It was a beautiful night of encounter and hope and felt like the start of something. ![]() It was so beautiful to see their hunger to learn more and their love for fellowship together. We also checked in on some families who we visited and had given audio bibles to last time. Most of them talked about how they listen to them every day and how the audio bible really encourages them and gives them strength!
Please pray with us for:
-Blessings and protection over the team here in Cambodia. -Favour with government connections and for administrative eases. There have been some recent struggles with some administrative/ registration processes and pray with us for favour and great connections with the government. -All the new believers, new disciple groups and new connections in Jesus. That they would continue to grow in their faith and remain steadfast! -Increase in all areas, including financial provision, as God is increasing the "New Things" that He is doing here we know and believe that He will provide for it. Please pray with us for the protection and fulfilment of that. -For safe travels, no sickness, a good time of connection with friends and family and that my brother would have a really blessed wedding! -Continued protection and health over our family as we serve Jesus out here. -We have a more regularly updating prayer group on signal messenger. If you are interested in joining it please click here. Sending all our love from Cambodia!
1/23/2023 4 Comments Some good news from CambodiaJesus has been doing some wonderful things over the last few months. There are lots of testimonies and many things to be thankful for. We have included some pictures below with some text briefly describing each one (hover your mouse over/ click on the images below to see each description): Thank you so much for praying along side us, giving support and being such a huge encouragement! You are a part of this work also and contributing to the victory with every prayer, gift and encouragement that you bring. (All of the above testimonies and prayer requests above were shared in our Signal Messenger update prayer group and is a more regular way to stay updated from us and receive our prayer requests click this link if you are interested in joining it ). Please pray with us for:
10/14/2022 1 Comment Back in the Kingdom of WonderWe are so thankful to be back in the kingdom of wonder and we have so much anticipation for all that will happen here. We arrived just over 2 months ago and it feels like so much longer ! We hit the ground running as the kids started their school straight away and so our first few weeks we focused on getting them settled in. They are really happy and well loved by their new friends and teachers. We also spent the first month or so getting out house straight and adjusting back into a city that has changed so much in the five years that we have been away! God really went before us and while we were in the UK a dear friend and someone who served with us before in Cambodia felt God ask her to give us all her furniture. This was an incredibly generous gift and helped so much as we weren’t starting from scratch. Now everyday I am reminded of Gods provision as I see all my friend’s beautiful things around me! We have really loved reuniting with our old team mates and meeting the new ones. Every Monday we have “family time”, a time of prayer and worship with our team and it has been really special! We are really thankful for each of our team members! We are looking forward and planning to connect with our team on even deeper levels and we truly believe the more unity and love in our team the greater the impact we can have. We have so much belief and confidence in each of our Cambodian team and we long to help champion and serve them in anyway we can. We have started going more consistently to the projects and outreaches we are involved with. It is in this times of outreaches we feel so full of Gods pleasure! I remember over 10 years ago Jesus gave me a picture of finding Him in the slums and on the Riverside/Red light area. It is something I always things about when I am in those locations and surrounded by such hopelessness, poverty and lack; I remember His promise to me that He is right there and as soon as I fix my eyes on Him again I watch as He moves on our kids and our families in awe and wonder. Everytime we go out on outreaches people are always hungry for prayer and a touch of God and its been wonderful to see people be healed and touched by His presence (see the little slide show below for some more testimonies during these outreaches and some other praise reports!) We had the opportunity during the holidays here to go visit our old hometown on the coast. We lived there for two years in between living in Phnom Penh. It has changed beyond recognition, which was a little sad. However the people we love there and the communities we worked with were just the same and it was incredible to be reunited with them. After returning back we had a worried mum call our team about her daughter and another girl (15 & 17 years old) that had been trafficked to a massage parlour in this town on the coast and were trapped and not allowed to leave. So our amazing team and some friends down there pursued the rescue of these girls. The work they did plus the miraculous answer to prayers from all around the world led to the girls getting released and sent home after only a few hours! God is so faithful ! Moving across continents to a land where you can understand only some of the language (it’s slowly coming back) and where everything is so different (it’s very hot all the time), with 3 young children and so much to learn it has honestly felt very vulnerable. I have certainly been confronted with my weakness and my humanity many times. There have been so many times I have wanted to complain; complain about the heat, the smell, my discomfort, my inability to do the things in the way I want to, my inability to solve all the need around me … the constant sweating …the trash that is everywhere…. But its at those times I have realised its an invitation for me to tap into the greater reality of the kingdom and the joy that comes from thankfulness and praise. It’s been really cool to see how my years at Bethel have had such an impact on the way I see situations and the hope that rises up in me when its hard. I am learning how to see beauty in the midst of the mess. We have been so blessed by the kindness of our community here and especially our co-directors Jillian and Mitch and Sdam ; they have loved us so well in so many practical ways. We are sometimes feeling the great loss of not being close to our families here but we know God does provide everything we need and is bringing us people who can journey with us in Cambodia. We want to thank you all for being such a support to us ! We feel so held and covered by such an incredible group of people. We couldn’t do this without you guys ! He is worthy of it all. Please pray with us for:
Thank you all so much for all of your love and support and prayers.
All our love from over here, Mollie, Steve, Gracie, Benjy and baby Abigail |
August 2024