2/11/2019 7 Comments Making a Way in The WildernessMaking a Way in The Wilderness
Happy New Year Wonderful People!!! Below is our latest update including some testimonies and some decisions we are praying into for 2019.
Recently a hunger has been stirring up in us for more of God and more of His fullness in us! Shawn Bolz a well known prophetic voice posted this scripture from Isaiah 43:19 for his first post of 2019:
Last year I got a hugely impacting prophetic word from Lyndsay Coil (a pastor here at bethel) who called me out in the middle of a meeting. She got many accurate words of knowledge about my birthday, our names (Mollie, Steve, Grace and Benjy), my education, that we were missionaries and many more specific details. I had never before experienced such incredible accuracy in the prophetic. (Some of you may remember the testimony and the recording from an email I sent out last year, I have added the recording of the word at the bottom if you would like to listen).
While giving us this prophetic word Lindsay mentioned that she felt the Lord was saying that we are not finished in Cambodia yet! Then she also included this scripture (the same one as above).
With all these other things in mind it really got us praying and asking for the more of Him! We are so thankful to God for what He has already graciously given us but He has stirred up a hunger in us for more! We are conscious that without more of Him we cannot fully do what He has called us to in defeating the pervasive powers of darkness in Cambodia or wherever else He leads us to serve Him.
We are also praying for discernment and wisdom for some really big and difficult decisions. The coming few months lead into potential transition for us again, with Mollie’s BSSM1 class finishing in May we are praying about what specific steps we are to take next and in what timing. Mollie’s mentors and pastors all mention that a second year of BSSM brings a more complete ministry training experience but at the moment we are both not sure what is next.
The main two options are to leave here with a view to return to missions after Mollie graduates BSSM1 or to stay and complete BSSM2 (potentially both of us together).
God has been doing some wonderful, amazing and powerful things in us and to us! Mollie has recently had some moments of encounter that have already felt like small installments of what He has promised.
Jesus has been taking me (Steve) on a journey of heart healing and renewing my mind this year (sometimes I feel like my mind is the "wilderness" that He wants to make a way in!). He has been dealing with many lies that I have been believing about myself and Him (and didn’t even know about) and replacing them with His freeing truths. I have been blessed to be able to attend SOZO courses and other similar things that have been bringing me new levels of freedom and also some tools equipping me to help others to experience the same thing. There have been great moments serving in the healing rooms and seeing God move powerfully, including things I have never seen before! Jesus has been growing people’s legs out after prayer, completely healing damaged joints, swollen shoulders and even recently He powerfully healed someone with breast cancer who had a huge mass and level 9 out of 10 pain. Jesus encountered her, she fell to her knees and when she got up all pain had gone and the tumor shrank; her shoulder and back were also completely healed in the same instance and she was able to dance again!! Jesus has been so wonderful; as He always is. More than I can describe in a few short paragraphs here. There have been times of uncertainty, doubt and unbelief too though. But He is good and He is worth it all, all the unknowns, all the challenges and all the joys in this process of seeking Him and being transformed by Him. Below Mollie shares some more of the process God has been taking her on so far. From Mollie:
Where do I start?! This last four months has been phenomenal! God has been revealing to me the importance of a renewed mind - that it’s my mind that is the only limiting factor in what God can do in my life. Jesus often talks about the importance of faith; that if we truly had faith even the size of a mustard seed we could command mountains to be thrown into the sea. Paul also prays that we would "transformed" (same word used for Jesus’ transfiguration) by the renewing of our minds.
When we are renewing the mind and forming new ways of thinking there is actually a process of new neural pathways being formed in the brain (there are many scientific studies that highlight this). At first there is resistance though, metaphorically It’s like we have to form new pathways in areas where there is dense shrubbery and large boulders and obstructions (lies we are believing). A bit like making a way in the wilderness! (Isa 43:19). At first it takes much determination to make a new path which has much resistance when you first travel it. Especially when there are the 6 lane highways we are so accustomed to going down and have been using for years (our old habitual ways of thinking!!). Naturally our brains will choose to follow the path of least resistance, the easiest road to use; so it requires the empowering grace of God and our co-laboring with Him to renew our mind! This is so significant because what we think eventually creates our beliefs and what we believe shapes our actions. Our thoughts are incredibly important! We need the mind of Christ! I am learning the value of truly knowing who I am and realising that each of us represents God in a different way. Bill Johnson teaches; "if we truly knew how God made us we wouldn’t want to be anyone else”. We wouldn’t dare criticize a work of art in front of the famous artist; yet we often are so quick to pick out the flaws in God’s most magnificent creations; ourselves (we are created in Him image!). So it’s been a journey of identifying lies and replacing them with God’s truth. The first few months I was either in tears or laughing most of the time! On top of that I have been receiving powerful bible teaching, planting a micro church to college students, learning about prophecy, evangelism, discipleship and learning some core values for revival. We have seen the hunger and passion for God grow and grow in our class and the level of joy and hope has just exploded! We are seeing healings, miracles, fire and so much glory. “But do not make a mistake: God cannot do a great work through you without doing a great work in you first.”
“We felt the Holy Spirit had been a real person to us before; as far as we knew we had received Him ; and some of us had known much of His operations in and through our lives. But now the revelation of His person was so tremendous that all our other experiences seemed as nothing. There was no visible apparition , but He made Himself so real to our spiritual eyes that it was a “face to face” experience. And when we saw Him we knew we had never really seen Him before.“
I have also seen the children growing in their knowledge and love of God. We were blessed to be able go to the UK for a short visit and a family wedding over Christmas. While we were there Grace (my daughter who is 3 years old) prayed for a close family member’s eye to be healed. She had just had surgery due to a bleed in her eye and couldn't see anything but a blur. After Grace prayed for her she said her sight improved significantly!!
I am incredibly thankful to everyone who has helped to make this year possible so far! I’m about halfway through and I am already receiving such breakthrough. I know the victories we get now will help us for many many years to come. Please be praying for us for clarity about what’s next. We are wanting to wait and see how God leads and are holding everything so lightly; our lives are His so please be praying that we follow His heartbeat so clearly about what is next. All of our love, -Mollie, Steve, Grace and Benjy (Check out the pictures below for some more highlights and testimonies)
Alan Searle
2/12/2019 03:53:44 pm
What an encouraging update. God is moving powerful in so many places. and in so many ways. Steve, you and Mollie are in my prayers as you press in during this season.
2/24/2019 09:18:29 pm
Amen! Thank you so much Alan! Appreciate the prayers!!!
2/12/2019 10:26:39 pm
You guys are amazing, so inspiring. Press in! I heard the Lord speak breakthrough for this year! It is coming! He is making a way through the wilderness. I am standing with you spurring you on and also asking for more. Enjoy your visitors too! They are super excited to visit ❤️ Praying for you all 🙏🏼
2/24/2019 09:20:12 pm
Thank you so much KJ for praying and being such an encouragement! Breakthrough is coming.Praying for you guys too! Much love!
Gerry Paine
2/12/2019 10:29:16 pm
I love to hear what God has been doing in your lives, you both are like putty that God is molding. Hope to get together with your family soon
Claire V
3/7/2019 12:58:53 pm
Thought you might like to know that the same Isaiah verse is also the verse of the year at South Parade Baptist Church in Leeds, so it's displayed on that board at the top of Cardigan Road! Love to you all from LS4 :-)
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